H.H. Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata is the greatest leader of Buddhism in the entire dharmadhatu and is the complete and perfect incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha. During the past few thousand years, many beings of great holiness have come to this world and their identities were recognized. However, H.H. Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata is the only ancient Buddha Vajradhara and highest leader of Buddhism who is foremost in the five areas stated below. 

  1. His Holiness is the greatest holy being who has received the most written recognitions and respectful praise from Buddhas and great Bodhisattvas of all of the main sects in the history of Buddhism. (see Recognitions and Congratulations)

  2. His Holiness is the greatest holy being who has received the highest evaluations from Buddhas and great Bodhisattvas of all of the main sects in the history of Buddhism. (see the evaluations in Recognitions and Congratulations)

  3. His Holiness is the greatest holy being and ancient Buddha whose position is highest among all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who have come to this human world. (see the Recognitions and Congratulations stating that His Holiness is Dorje Chang Buddha III)

  4. His Holiness is the greatest holy being whose accomplishments in mastering exoteric Buddhism, esoteric Buddhism, and the Five Vidyas are the most illustrious in the history of mankind. (see thirty categories)

  5. His Holiness took auspicious mist from space and put it inside a sculpture of a stone cave and also created holy and wondrous carvings, just as H.H. Great Dharma King Zunsheng predicted. In the history of Buddhism until the present time, no other being of great holiness who has incarnated into this human realm has been able to do such things. No one has been able to replicate such works as well. (see irrefutable facts on pages 380 ) 

  The attainments stated above are not empty or unreliable words. Rather, these words are based on the documents of extremely holy and virtuous rinpoches, dharma kings, and eminent monastics in the world today. These are true words expressed with a serious attitude, a sense of responsibility, and an understanding of karmic retribution.

  Why do heads of sects, dharma kings, and rinpoches, who are all incarnations of Buddhas or Bodhisattvas, unanimously recognize that H.H. Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu is the highest and greatest holy being in the world today? A unanimous recognition of such magnitude has not happened in the last few thousand years. The answer is clear without even thinking about it. It is because His Holiness is Dorje Chang Buddha III. Additionally, in todays world, which other sage or holy being is able to accomplish what His Holiness has accomplished? No one can be found who can match His Holinesss accomplishments in even half of the thirty main categories. No one can be found who has the ability to duplicate even one of His Holinesss wondrous multicolored sculptures.

  Additionally, because karmic conditions of living beings have matured, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III brought to this world the supreme Xian Liang Great Perfection Rainbow Body Accomplishment Dharma. Whoever receives this dharma initiation from H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III will be able to realize the rainbow body state the same day that dharma is transmitted and that initiation is performed. There is no need to practice for days, months, or years in order to realize that state. There are people who had the karmic affinity to receive such an initiation, such as H.E. Gar Tongstan IV, H.E. Kaichu Rinpoche, and other practitioners of great virtue. From the day they received that initiation, they have been able to abide in the bright dharma-nature state at all times.

  Which person has such realization besides the true Dorje Chang Buddha? Moreover, when the Buddha was living in this world a long time ago, the holy and venerable Vimalakirti was a teacher who edified and guided all of the eminent monks, people of great virtue, and Bodhisattvas. Dharma Kings on the level of a Buddha or Great Bodhisattva have now recognized in writing according to the rules of Buddhism that H.H. Yangwo Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu is the second Vimalakirti; that is, the third Dorje Chang Buddha. Based upon His Holinesss actual realization, His status as an ancient Buddha, or His position on Buddhist lineage trees, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata is the greatest holy being who is above all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, eminent monks, and people of great virtue!

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is previously known as Master Wan Ko Yee


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