When H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III (Master Wan Ko Yeewas born, the beating of drums suddenly sounded in the sky, and beautiful, heavenly music could be heard. Three rainbows approximately forty to fifty meters (131-164 feet) apart appeared simultaneously in the sky. The middle one was primarily blue, the right one primarily red, and the left one primarily white. At birth, the entire body of His Holiness was dark blue. No cries from His Holiness could be heard. Rather, His Holiness opened his mouth and very clearly stated, I have entered this world. I am completely proficient in exoteric and esoteric Buddhism and will wondrously manifest the Five Vidyas. Compare and you will know. After speaking such words, His Holiness remained silent and became just like an ordinary-looking child. The parents of His Holiness thought that they had given birth to a mysterious and extraordinary human being but did not tell anyone about this. His Holiness did not speak again until He was three years old. 

  When His Holiness was three years old, H.H. Mahavairocana Dharma King Zunsheng guided His Holiness in learning the Tripitaka. At that time, His Holiness was taught to recite the heart mantra of Dorje Chang Buddha seven times. The little child suddenly laughed heartily and immediately manifested the Three Bodies and Four Wisdoms. H.H. Great Dharma King Zunsheng at once tested His Holinesss knowledge of the Tripitaka and the esoteric scriptures. The Dharma Prince child explained such writings with great facility. There was nothing in them His Holiness did not understand. His Holiness had realized all of the doctrines and principles of such teachings. 

  H.H. Mahavairocana Dharma King Zunsheng then gave the following formal pronouncement: Dorje Chang Buddha has come to this world a third time. The holy and venerable Vimalakirti has descended from the skies a second time. He completely understands the scriptures on the dharma. His Four Wisdoms are wonderfully perfect. He is an ancient Buddha upon whom living beings can rely. No master is qualified to teach Him. His mysterious sculpted treasures will be spectacular and unique in the world. He will be able to take mist that will stay inside His sculptures. He will manifest His realization and consummate skills. No holy person in the world will be able to duplicate such works. If anyone will be able to duplicate such works without differing from the original at all, my words have deceived the world. Vimalakirti Wan Ko is Buddha Vajradhara. He will cause the Buddhas to bestow nectar that many will see descend from the sky. He is of utmost benefit to sentient beings. He has the compassion and wisdom of an ancient Buddha. I hereby reveal these words to prove the veracity of my formal pronouncement. H.H. Mahavairocana Dharma King Zunsheng also gave His Holiness the dharma name Yangwo Yizhi Dharma Prince, which means Dharma Prince supreme leader of Buddhism with the highest wisdom. 

  H.H. Mahavairocana Zunsheng then said, During the Dharma-Ending Age in the earthly world, there will be many evil teachers and demons who will claim to be genuine holy persons. In order to distinguish the genuine from the false, I now make a strict formal pronouncement that will serve as the testing standard. The pronouncement is as follows: There will not be a fourth incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha in this earthly realm within the next 5,000 years. The third Dorje Chang Buddha will be the only such holy being, and there will not be an incarnation of another Dorje Chang Buddha in this earthly realm for 5,000 years. Based on causes and conditions that accord with the dharma, I now lay out tests to determine whether a person is that true Buddha if he claims to be the true incarnation of that Buddha. He must successfully invoke the Buddhas to bestow nectar. He must be able to perform the Golden Vase Selection of Karmic Affinity and predict the results of that ceremony beforehand. He must be able to eliminate karmic obstructions in a clearly visible manner. He must be able to replicate wondrous multicolored sculptures. He must be able to take mist, place it inside a hollowed out sculpted boulder, and have the mist stay there. If a person is able to do all five of these things without exception, then he is the true fourth Dorje Chang Buddha. No matter how great a holy terton may be, no matter if a person leaves concave imprints on rocks with his hands or feet, no matter how vast a persons manifold supernatural powers may be, if he cannot do these five holy things, then he certainly is not the true incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha. An ancient Buddha who descends to this earthly realm will have no difficulty meeting these five tests. I leave these five observable tests to guard against those in the future who make false claims. 

  Dharma Prince Wan Ko, the leader of Buddhism, accepted His first disciple when He was five years old. In a prior lifetime, that disciple was a disciple of Guru Padmasambhava who was often at the side of Guru Padmasambhava. That disciple was also one the four most outstanding disciples of Master Shantaraksita, who founded the Nyingma sect of Tibetan esoteric Buddhism. That disciples name was Xirao Jiebu. In this lifetime, he was recognized as Venerable Xirao Jiebu II and was given the hat of a great Pandita by the Geluk sect. 

  After Venerable Xirao Jiebu was accepted as a disciple by Dharma Prince Wan Ko, he often saw the marvelous super-human abilities of the Dharma Prince while at the side of the Dharma Prince. However, it is strange that after Venerable Xirao Jiebu was accepted as a disciple, people of the world rarely heard the Dharma Prince expound the Buddha-dharma. In so doing, the Dharma Prince was acting as the holy and venerable Vimalakirti did when Vimalakirti received different teachings and knowledge, took on the appearance of an ordinary person, and learned things tirelessly. No one knows why the Dharma Prince did this.


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