Philosophical Sayings About Worldly Matters 6-10

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu’s
Selected Philosophical Sayings About Worldly Matters

(This is a translation of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu’s philosophical sayings about worldly matters originally written in Chinese.)

  The construction of a tall building begins with the laying of groundwork from which it goes up floor by floor. Structures resting on nothing are seen only in a mirage. Building up a career is like putting up a building: what is needed are firm steps taken one after another toward the goal and executed with the support of true knowledge gained from experience. These steps, aided by a defiance of obstacles, will eventually lead one to success. 
  One in good fortune should remember the days in woe. A good soldier knows that battle victories are just as common as defeats. It is too late to remember one’s umbrella when he is caught in a downpour without it.  

  Profound wisdom and ability are the inner qualities of a person who possesses them. A person lacking in these qualities but trying to impress people that he is in possession of them is not to be taken seriously. Bamboo with its hollow interior can never support a building.  

  When one is held up by obstacles on his way to a rendezvous, he should back down so that he may reach his destination sooner. It is like driving a car in reverse gear; one does that because he will be able to drive forward faster later on.  

  The one who is only good at reciting other’s works is ignorant. The value in such works lies in their application to reality. A brilliant university graduate, or a master of the Four Books and Five Scriptures, without knowing how to put what he has learned into practice, can hardly fend for himself and offers no benefit to society. Only when the masterpieces are in put into use can they be powerful in terms of social advancement. It is only then that knowledge is transformed into a material force.

Also, the following is a glass painting by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III,  previously know as Master Wan Ko YeeThis transparent image look like something found in a heavenly palace. It is even more spellbinding under the skillful use of lighting.  


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