Philosophical Sayings About Worldly Matters 71-75

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu’s
Selected Philosophical Sayings About Worldly Matters

(This is a translation of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu’s philosophical sayings about worldly matters originally written in Chinese.)

  Buddhist teachings have nothing to do with supernatural forces, fortune telling or the practice of “feng shui” and “yin yang” Such teachings are based on the law of cause and effect. Buddhist teachings begin with observing precepts, obtaining peacefulness of mind, and cultivating wisdom. It is followed by practicing the four limitless states of mind: benevolence, compassion, sympathetic joy, and equanimity. Disciples are tanght a love of their country, a love of the world, and service to people without selfish attachments. The whole meaning of the Buddhist teachings is to understand that everything is subtly substantive, yet truly empty. 


      Do not join a crowd that scrambles to grab what looks like to them something promising huge profits. If you do, you will return fleeced. With everyone now throwing money into the real estate business, there will be more new houses built than can be sold in three years time. Think before you leap.


  Habit grows into nature. This is the truth that applies to all existences in the universe, from mighty objects to minor dust and trifling minds. It is for this reason that men should establish moral integrity and cultivate the habit of acquiring knowledge.


  Merit and fault are initiated from a flash of mind. One’s three karmasbody, speech and mind are the basis for all merits and faults. Being a worthy person, one should not be tainted by selfish considerations but should do his best to serve people.


  Everything is created from the mind

  And consciousness is the root.

  Stay away from fortune telling and witchcraft,

  For they are superstition and defilement.

  A decent person pursues virtue and knowledge

  For they make him worthy.

The photographs by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, formally know as Master Wan Ko Yee, include scenery, people, animals, etc. These beautiful, artistic pictures taken with a camera make use of lighting, natural colors, and the skillful arrangement of objects.  Above is one of them: Reflections.


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